Use Dragonstone Stories Lexicon as your resource for references and vocabulary for the four-book novel series.
DCC | Dungeon Command Center |
Dragonstone | an enchanted talisman that is created from a dragon’s fire, enabling a witch or wizard to use their magic |
Dragonian | the language used to create magical spells when using a dragonstone |
FDM | Federal Division of Magic |
Feierstrahl | magical command to shoot a fire bolt |
Gigi | nickname for Great-Grandma (Helen Mulvaney) |
JT | nickname of the valet guide within Storyworld, short for “Just the” Valet, Phef the Wizard’s apprentice |
Marcos | the name of a winged-lion in Storyworld |
Paction | the name of a Golden Dragon in Storyworld |
Phef | nickname of Mathias Phefvenscen, wizard |
Remnant | Storyworld characters that remain in a particular story from previous visits through the Parasol, all descendants of Phef the Wizard |
Schutzen | magical command to put up a protective shield |
Storyworld | Magical realm within the magic of the Parasol |
Talon | The realm within Storyworld that Phef the Wizard lives in |
Thena | the name of a golden dragon, Paction’s daughter |
Vito | the name of a blue dragon in Storyworld, Paction’s son |
Zelossen | magical command to levitate an object |
Zarekzastearwenso | magical command to change the wand back to the dragonstone |
Zeverdelean | magical command to change the dragonstone into a wand |